Calendar Window



    This window it's usefull when you want to know some dates regarding to astronomical events. After you choose the year that you want to know some results, the dates regarding to the Start of Seasons, to the Entrance of the sun in the Zodiacal Signs and some religious dates are refreshed..


    Regarding to the religious holidays, EfeCalc gives you the date of Christian Easter (and the respectively Palm Sunday and Good Friday), the date of the Pesach (Jewish Easter) and the date for the Chinese New Year (with symbols represents the various animals).


    Because this window have many symbols, the user can capture the ecran and save the image to a file in a choosen folder. All the user have to do is click in the Capture button and choose the folder. After click in Ok, the image are save in the choosen folder as a Bitmap Image (*.BMP) with the name “EC_Calen.BMP” and it is open with the associated program.