Enumerative Combinatorics


This is meant to be a course with topics in "Analytic Combinatorics", a recent and very productive branch of this field. Topics: Sieve methods: inclusion/exclusion, Ferrers diagrams, involution, use of determinants. Partially ordered sets: lattices, locally finite partially ordered sets, Moebius inversion formula. Generating functions. Complex variable generating functions.

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Defended Theses

  • Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations
      Vincenzo Bianca (July 2024)
      José Miguel Urbano
  • Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures
      Pedro Miguel Silva (April 2024)
      Peter Gothen
  • Some aspects of descent theory and applications
      Rui Rodrigues de Abreu Fernandes Prezado (January 2024)
      Maria Manuel Clementino
      Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
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