The school consists of two courses:
Abstract: I will explain why one wants to know quiver of a finite-dimensional algebra. Then I will address the question of how to find the quiver of a given finite-dimensional algebra. This will be done via examples.
Abstract: We review some recent developments in representation theory of symmetric groups and Hecke algebras, which are related to the idea of categorification. A special attention will be paid to affine quasi-heredity of KLR algebras and related categorification of PBW bases.
Attendance of the school is free, however all participants are asked to register. Participants interested in presenting their research will be given the opportunity of doing so at a poster session.
Prospective participants may also like to be aware of the special session "New Trends in Representation Theory" in the framework of AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015 held in Porto the previous week. If you want to attend one of the special sessions of the meeting you need to register here. Notice that to take advantage of registration fees at the reduced rate, you must do this by April 30, 2015.