O Mundo da Matemática
Math World


Publishers and Booksellers

Servidores de Departamentos de Matemática e Instituições Relacionadas
Home Pages of Math Departments and Related Organizations

Gopher servers

Anonymous FTP Servers in Mathematics

Guides to Mathematics on the Web

Preprints and Subject Web Pages


Some other preprint pages

Electronic journals

Electronic faces of printed journals

Bulletin Boards, Newsletters, and Discussion/Announcement Media


History and Biography


TeX archives

The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) is a set of mirrored FTP sites providing access to as much TeX-related software as possible.

The sites below are also important TeX resources. labrea.stanford.edu is the definitive repository of the basic TeX sources. The American Mathematical Society is responsible for AMSTeX and AMSLaTeX, as well as a large number of fonts. The MIT list of macros is useful for finding macros and styles for electrosubmissions to publishers or for TeXing preprints from other sites (note that this is a very large file and that you may want to use the search facilities of your Web reader or editor to find what you need within it). The Universities of Utah and Washington have been important TeX sites for a number of years.

TeX documentation

Software and Online Documentation

Learning and teaching mathematics and related subjects

Undergraduate Web Pages

Reading and Writing Mathematics

Specialized services

Some lists of Web servers

Web searchers and finding aids

Computer Science Preprints

Physics Preprints and News

Statistics on the Web

Computer and Software Suppliers

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