The SPM publishes the Portugaliae Mathematica , the Gazeta
de Matemática and the Boletim da SPM, the first volumes of which
appeared in 1937, 1940 and 1947-1951, respectively.

The "Boletim" contains survey articles, short papers on items
of interest to the Society members, book reviews, records of
proceedings at meetings, obituary notices. It also advertises the
meetings and other activities of the SPM.

The "Boletim da SPM" is distributed
free of charge to members, three issues per year.

The Society also publishes
Monographs, Lecture Notes, Student Texts and the
proceedings of various meetings.

up-to-date edition of the SPM's publications catalogue is in preparation.
Members of the Society are entitled to subscribe to the Society's periodicals
and other publications at reduced rates.

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