[Blue Ribbon]Colleges and Universities - Argentina

(C)Copyright 1995,1996 Christina DeMello. Reproduction and distribution are permissible for non-profit purposes only, but no changes are to be made to this document without the author's written consent.

Please send additions, corrections, and comments to cdemello@mit.edu. Please give me a few days to respond as I no longer have a direct net connection at work every day. Also, this list may be updated more quickly than I can respond personally to email.

    Last modified: Thu Jul 11 20:53:17 1996
  1. CEMA Instituto Universitario
  2. Red de Interconexion Universitaria (RIU)
  3. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  4. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  5. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  6. Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  7. Universidad Nacional del Sur
  8. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
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cdemello@mit.edu, cdemello@us.oracle.com

Last updated: Mon Jul 15 00:41:19 PDT 1996