June 25-27 2002, Coimbra, Portugal

The school will consist of daily two one-hour morning lectures and goal-oriented afternoon discussion sessions. The afternoons will be devoted to discuss research problems at a variety of levels that could be of primary interest to doctoral students and post-docs. The theme of the school will be topics in graph theory and combinatorial theory.

The school will be held at Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, located in uptown Coimbra next to the historical university, offering a unique environment for research discussion. The three days of the school will also include talks from Louis Kauffman ( and Konrad Polthier (

Frank Harary ( is a leading researcher in Graph Theory and he is considered the founder of modern graph theory. Author of countless research papers and author of several textbooks in graph theory used all over the world.

Last updated: June 24th, 2002 by Joćo Soares