

1. On a variant of the implicit function theorem for equations

with skew-symmetries. (Russian) Tr. Mat. Fak., Voronezh. Gos.

Univ. (N.S.) 3(19), 25-29 (1998).


2. On the behavior of solutions of one system of Navier- Stokes

type in a bounded domain on the plane with large viscosities,

Vestnik VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2000, no.1, pp. 105-106.(in



3. On the Navier-Stokes problem in subdomains of $R^n$, Vestnik

VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2001, no.1, pp. 65-74. (in Russian).


4. On the motion of a nonlinear-viscous fluid in $R^n$, Vestnik

VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2002, no.1, p. 102-120 . (in Russian).


5. Hopf bifurcations of the three-dimensional Navier- Stokes flow

under the wave-like external perturbations, Trudy Molodykh

Uchenykh VSU, no.2(2002), p. 11-13. (in Russian).


6. Individual approach to the gifted ones during the teaching of

constructing a mathematical theory of a problem, Trudy Molodykh

Uchenykh Mat. Fak. VSU (2001), pp. 43-48.(in Russian). (with

Dontsov V.N., Makarenkov O.Y.)


7. On a criterion of properness of multimaps, Trudy Molodykh

Uchenykh Mat. Fak. VSU, 2003, pp. 23-27.(in Russian) (preprint available at arXiv).


8. On an example of birth of a cycle near stationary flow, In:

Materials of Seminars REC VSU''Wave processes in inhomogeneous and

nonlinear media'', Voronezh, 2003, pp. 48-51.(in Russian).

9. A remark on approximation of open sets with regular bounded ones, Arxiv e-prints, Dec. 2010.

Manuals (small monographs for students). 


1. Degree theory of finite-dimensional maps. Manual, Voronezh,

VSU, 2002. (in Russian). (with V.G. Zvyagin).


2. Mathematical models of non-Newtonian fluids. Manual, Voronezh,

VSU, 2004.(in Russian). (with V.G. Zvyagin).


3. Bifurcations of equations with variational operators in Hilbert

spaces, Manual, Voronezh, VSU, 2005.(in Russian).


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