From Classical to Modern Analysis:
In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho

Welcome to the website of the conference From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho, a Satellite Conference of the 9th European Mathematical Congress, that will be held on June 24-28, 2024, in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cadíz, Spain).

You can see all the talks on the youtube channel of the FQM257 Research group

On August 27, 2021, our friend and colleague José Carlos Petronilho passed away unexpectedly. José Carlos, beyond his extraordinary academic and professional career, was an endearing and down-to-earth person, who was always accessible and who amassed encyclopedic knowledge in Analysis. Although his research area is framed in classical analysis, he was a Professor of functional analysis at the University of Coimbra for more than a decade, which left a deep mark on a large part of his scientific production. The objective of this conference is to honour Professor José Carlos Petronilho by taking a tour of what was his passion for more than 30 years. This event, which will be attended by relatives of Professor José Carlos Petronilho, will be a unique opportunity to remember and honor someone who was an exceptional human being.

Venue: The Conference will take place at Auditorio Manolo Sanlúcar, previously Convento de la Merced (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadíz, Spain), built between 1616-1625, in which a hermitage dedicated to the Virgin of Bethlehem has existed since ancient times. Sanlúcar, is a beautiful city in the northwest of Cádiz province, Andalucía in southern Spain, that have a lot to offer to the visitors as it can be seem in the next video:

Registration: To register to the Conference click HERE (you will be redirected to the official registration page). It includes the access to the scientific sessions, an electronic version of the book of abstracts, conference materials, a certificate of attendance, coffee breaks, as well as some social activities to be announced later on. For further information click here.

Conference Proceedings: It is planned to publish the conference proceedings in the international Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer) which is indexed in Scopus (for more information click here).

Organizing Committee:

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact with any of us.

Looking forward to seeing you in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.