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The School is composed by five set of lectures, designed to introduce young researchers to the more recent advances on geometric and algebraic approaches for integer programming. Each set of lectures will be about six hours long. They will provide the background, introduce the theme, describe the state-of-the-art, and suggest practical exercises. The organizers will try to provide a relaxed atmosphere with enough time for discussion.

Integer programming is a field of optimization with recognized scientific and economical relevance. The usual approach to solve integer programming problems is to use linear programming within a branch-and-bound or branch-and-cut framework, using whenever possible polyhedral results about the set of feasible solutions. Alternative algebraic and geometric approaches have recently emerged that show great promise. In particular, polynomial algorithms for solving integer programs in fixed dimension have recently been developed. This is a hot topic of international research, and the School will be an opportunity to bring up-to-date knowledge to young researchers.

fundação calouste gulbenkian Centro Internacional de Matemática ADONET 2004-2007