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December 7, 15:30
Andrea Montoli (CMUC)
Semidirect products of internal groupoids

November 9, 16:30
Dirk Hofmann (U. Aveiro)
A "one for the price of zero" duality principle for distributive spaces

November 9, 15:00
Ivan Yudin (CMUC)
Distributive law between a monad and a comonad

September 14, 17:00
Diana Rodelo (U. Algarve/CMUC)
Internal categories in n-permutable varieties

September 14, 15:30
Andrea Montoli (CMUC)
A Schreier-Mac Lane extension theorem in action accessible categories

September 14, 14:30
Tim Van der Linden (CMUC)
Resolutions, higher extensions and the relative Mal'tsev axiom

July 14, 16:30
Maria Manuel Clementino (Mat. FCTUC/CMUC)
Fibrewise injectivity and Kock-Zoberlein monads

July 14, 14:30
Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Daniell's version of Lebesgue integral II

July 13, 15:00
Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Daniell's version of Lebesgue integral I

March 23, 16:00
Guillaume Brummer (Univ. Cape Town, South Africa)
Motives toward a pointfree study of completions of functorial (quasi)-uniformities on frames/locales

February 23, 15:00
Joćo Xarez (Univ. Aveiro)
Folding up of monotone and concordant morphisms for sub-reflections from models in the category of presheaves

February 23, 14:00
Sandra Mantovani (Univ. Milano, Italy)
Normalities and commutators