Perspectives in Representation Theory

1 July - 3 July 2024 Coimbra, Portugal

(Satellite meeting of the 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla 2024)

Lecture series speaker

Vyacheslav Futorny (Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China) Algebras of differential operators on algebraic varieties

Jorge Vitória (University of Padova, Italy) A tour of finite/telescope-type results in representation theory

Plenary speakers

Andrea Appel (University of Parma) The R-matrix of the affine Yangian

Eirini Chavli (University of Stuttgart) Nakayama algebras via combinatorics

Tiago Cruz (University of Stuttgart) Relative Auslander pairs and a new higher Auslander correspondence

Persi Diaconis (Stanford University) Polya theory revisited

Sira Gratz (Aarhus University) TBA

Jonathan Gruber (University of York) Cohomological stability for algebraic groups via Frobenius kernels

Rosanna Laking (University of Verona) Tilts of the module category and cosilting pairs

Stacey Law (University of Birmingham) Sylow restriction in the representation theory of finite groups

Leo Margolis (Autonomous University of Madrid) Modular Isomorphism Problem - progress, solution and open challenges

Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi (Uppsala University) On the first (relative) Hochschild cohomology and (relative) fundamental groups