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String Concepts

Implications of Strings Being Arrays

Since all strings are arrays, all rules which apply generally to arrays also apply to strings. See section Array Concepts.

For example, strings can have fill pointers, and strings are also subject to the rules of element type upgrading that apply to arrays.

Subtypes of STRING

All functions that operate on strings will operate on subtypes of string as well.

However, the consequences are undefined if a character is inserted into a string for which the element type of the string does not include that character.

Strings Dictionary

string [System Class]

Class Precedence List::

string, vector, array, sequence, t


A string is a specialized vector whose elements are of type character or a subtype of type character. When used as a type specifier for object creation, string means (vector character).

Compound Type Specifier Kind::


Compound Type Specifier Syntax::


Compound Type Specifier Arguments::

size---a non-negative fixnum, or the symbol *.

Compound Type Specifier Description::

This denotes the union of all types (array c (size)) for all subtypes c of character; that is, the set of strings of size size.

See Also::

section String Concepts, section Double-Quote, section Printing Strings

base-string [Type]


base-string, string, vector, array, sequence, t


The type base-string is equivalent to

(vector base-char).

The base string representation is the most efficient string representation that can hold an arbitrary sequence of standard characters.

Compound Type Specifier Kind::


Compound Type Specifier Syntax::


Compound Type Specifier Arguments::

size---a non-negative fixnum, or the symbol *.

Compound Type Specifier Description::

This is equivalent to the type (vector base-char size); that is, the set of base strings of size size.

simple-string [Type]


simple-string, string, vector, simple-array, array, sequence, t


A simple string is a specialized one-dimensional simple array whose elements are of type character or a subtype of type character. When used as a type specifier for object creation, simple-string means (simple-array character (size)).

Compound Type Specifier Kind::


Compound Type Specifier Syntax::


Compound Type Specifier Arguments::

size---a non-negative fixnum, or the symbol *.

Compound Type Specifier Description::

This denotes the union of all types (simple-array c (size)) for all subtypes c of character; that is, the set of simple strings of size size.

simple-base-string [Type]


simple-base-string, base-string, simple-string, string, vector, simple-array, array, sequence, t


The type simple-base-string is equivalent to

(simple-array base-char (*)).

Compound Type Specifier Kind::


Compound Type Specifier Syntax::


Compound Type Specifier Arguments::

size---a non-negative fixnum, or the symbol *.

Compound Type Specifier Description::

This is equivalent to the type (simple-array base-char (size)); that is, the set of simple base strings of size size.

simple-string-p [Function]

simple-string-p object => generalized-boolean

Arguments and Values::

object---an object.

generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.


Returns true if object is of type simple-string; otherwise, returns false.


 (simple-string-p "aaaaaa") =>  true
 (simple-string-p (make-array 6 
                              :element-type 'character 
                              :fill-pointer t)) =>  false


 (simple-string-p object) == (typep object 'simple-string)

char, schar [Accessor]

char string index => character

schar string index => character

(setf (char string index) new-character)
(setf (schar string index) new-character)

Arguments and Values::

string---for char, a string; for schar, a simple string.

index---a valid array index for the string.

character, new-character---a character.


char and schar access the element of string specified by index.

char ignores fill pointers when accessing elements.


 (setq my-simple-string (make-string 6 :initial-element #\A)) =>  "AAAAAA"
 (schar my-simple-string 4) =>  #\A
 (setf (schar my-simple-string 4) #\B) =>  #\B
 my-simple-string =>  "AAAABA"
 (setq my-filled-string
       (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
                     :fill-pointer 5
                     :initial-contents my-simple-string))
=>  "AAAAB"
 (char my-filled-string 4) =>  #\B
 (char my-filled-string 5) =>  #\A
 (setf (char my-filled-string 3) #\C) =>  #\C
 (setf (char my-filled-string 5) #\D) =>  #\D
 (setf (fill-pointer my-filled-string) 6) =>  6
 my-filled-string =>  "AAACBD"

See Also::

section aref [Accessor] , section elt [Accessor] ,

section Compiler Terminology


 (char s j) == (aref (the string s) j)

string [Function]

string x => string

Arguments and Values::

x---a string, a symbol, or a character.

string---a string.


Returns a string described by x; specifically:

If x is a string, it is returned.
If x is a symbol, its name is returned.
If x is a character, then a string containing that one character is returned.
string might perform additional, implementation-defined conversions.


 (string "already a string") =>  "already a string"
 (string 'elm) =>  "ELM"
 (string #\c) =>  "c"

Exceptional Situations::

In the case where a conversion is defined neither by this specification nor by the implementation, an error of type type-error is signaled.

See Also::

section coerce [Function] , string (type).


coerce can be used to convert a sequence of characters to a string.

prin1-to-string, princ-to-string, write-to-string, or format (with a first argument of nil) can be used to get a string representation of a number or any other object.

string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize,

nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize


string-upcase string {&key start end} => cased-string

string-downcase string {&key start end} => cased-string

string-capitalize string {&key start end} => cased-string

nstring-upcase string {&key start end} => string

nstring-downcase string {&key start end} => string

nstring-capitalize string {&key start end} => string

Arguments and Values::

string---a string designator. For nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, and nstring-capitalize, the string designator must be a string.

start, end---bounding index designators of string. The defaults for start and end are 0 and nil, respectively.

cased-string---a string.


string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize, nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize change the case of the subsequence of string bounded by start and end as follows:

string-upcase returns a string just like string with all lowercase characters replaced by the corresponding uppercase characters. More precisely, each character of the result string is produced by applying the function char-upcase to the corresponding character of string.
string-downcase is like string-upcase except that all uppercase characters are replaced by the corresponding lowercase characters (using char-downcase).
string-capitalize produces a copy of string such that, for every word in the copy, the first character of the "word," if it has case, is uppercase and any other characters with case in the word are lowercase. For the purposes of string-capitalize, a "word" is defined to be a consecutive subsequence consisting of alphanumeric characters, delimited at each end either by a non-alphanumeric character or by an end of the string.
nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize
nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, and nstring-capitalize are identical to string-upcase, string-downcase, and string-capitalize respectively except that they modify string.

For string-upcase, string-downcase, and string-capitalize, string is not modified. However, if no characters in string require conversion, the result may be either string or a copy of it, at the implementation's discretion.


 (string-upcase "abcde") =>  "ABCDE"
 (string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")
 (string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" :start 6 :end 10)
=>  "Dr. LiVINGston, I presume?"
 (string-downcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")
=>  "dr. livingston, i presume?"

 (string-capitalize "elm 13c arthur;fig don't") =>  "Elm 13c Arthur;Fig Don'T"
 (string-capitalize " hello ") =>  " Hello "
 (string-capitalize "occlUDeD cASEmenTs FOreSTAll iNADVertent DEFenestraTION")
=>   "Occluded Casements Forestall Inadvertent Defenestration"
 (string-capitalize 'kludgy-hash-search) =>  "Kludgy-Hash-Search"
 (string-capitalize "DON'T!") =>  "Don'T!"    ;not "Don't!"
 (string-capitalize "pipe 13a, foo16c") =>  "Pipe 13a, Foo16c"

 (setq str (copy-seq "0123ABCD890a")) =>  "0123ABCD890a"
 (nstring-downcase str :start 5 :end 7) =>  "0123AbcD890a"
 str =>  "0123AbcD890a"

Side Effects::

nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, and nstring-capitalize modify string as appropriate rather than constructing a new string.

See Also::

@xref{char-upcase; char-downcase} , char-downcase


The result is always of the same length as string.

string-trim, string-left-trim, string-right-trim [Function]

string-trim character-bag string => trimmed-string

string-left-trim character-bag string => trimmed-string

string-right-trim character-bag string => trimmed-string

Arguments and Values::

character-bag---a sequence containing characters.

string---a string designator.

trimmed-string---a string.


string-trim returns a substring of string, with all characters in character-bag stripped off the beginning and end. string-left-trim is similar but strips characters off only the beginning; string-right-trim strips off only the end.

If no characters need to be trimmed from the string, then either string itself or a copy of it may be returned, at the discretion of the implementation.

All of these functions observe the fill pointer.


 (string-trim "abc" "abcaakaaakabcaaa") =>  "kaaak"
 (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) " garbanzo beans
        ") =>  "garbanzo beans"
 (string-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
=>  "three (silly) words"

 (string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") =>  "labcabcabc"
 (string-left-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
=>  "three (silly) words* ) "

 (string-right-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ") 
=>  " ( *three (silly) words"

Affected By::

The implementation.

string=, string/=, string<, string>, string<=, string>=,

string-equal, string-not-equal, string-lessp,

string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp


string= string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => generalized-boolean

string/= string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string< string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string> string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string<= string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string>= string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string-equal string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => generalized-boolean

string-not-equal string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string-lessp string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string-greaterp string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string-not-greaterp string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

string-not-lessp string1 string2 {&key start1 end1 start2 end2} => mismatch-index

Arguments and Values::

string1---a string designator.

string2---a string designator.

start1, end1---bounding index designators of string1. The defaults for start and end are 0 and nil, respectively.

start2, end2---bounding index designators of string2. The defaults for start and end are 0 and nil, respectively.

generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.

mismatch-index---a bounding index of string1, or nil.


These functions perform lexicographic comparisons on string1 and string2. string= and string-equal are called equality functions; the others are called inequality functions. The comparison operations these functions perform are restricted to the subsequence of string1 bounded by start1 and end1 and to the subsequence of string2 bounded by start2 and end2.

A string a is equal to a string b if it contains the same number of characters, and the corresponding characters are the same under char= or char-equal, as appropriate.

A string a is less than a string b if in the first position in which they differ the character of a is less than the corresponding character of b according to char< or char-lessp as appropriate, or if string a is a proper prefix of string b (of shorter length and matching in all the characters of a).

The equality functions return a generalized boolean that is true if the strings are equal, or false otherwise.

The inequality functions return a mismatch-index that is true if the strings are not equal, or false otherwise. When the mismatch-index is true, it is an integer representing the first character position at which the two substrings differ, as an offset from the beginning of string1.

The comparison has one of the following results:

string= is true if the supplied substrings are of the same length and contain the same characters in corresponding positions; otherwise it is false.
string/= is true if the supplied substrings are different; otherwise it is false.
string-equal is just like string= except that differences in case are ignored; two characters are considered to be the same if char-equal is true of them.
string< is true if substring1 is less than substring2; otherwise it is false.
string> is true if substring1 is greater than substring2; otherwise it is false.
string-lessp, string-greaterp
string-lessp and string-greaterp are exactly like string< and string>, respectively, except that distinctions between uppercase and lowercase letters are ignored. It is as if char-lessp were used instead of char< for comparing characters.
string<= is true if substring1 is less than or equal to substring2; otherwise it is false.
string>= is true if substring1 is greater than or equal to substring2; otherwise it is false.
string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp
string-not-greaterp and string-not-lessp are exactly like string<= and string>=, respectively, except that distinctions between uppercase and lowercase letters are ignored. It is as if char-lessp were used instead of char< for comparing characters.


 (string= "foo" "foo") =>  true
 (string= "foo" "Foo") =>  false
 (string= "foo" "bar") =>  false
 (string= "together" "frog" :start1 1 :end1 3 :start2 2) =>  true
 (string-equal "foo" "Foo") =>  true
 (string= "abcd" "01234abcd9012" :start2 5 :end2 9) =>  true
 (string< "aaaa" "aaab") =>  3
 (string>= "aaaaa" "aaaa") =>  4
 (string-not-greaterp "Abcde" "abcdE") =>  5
 (string-lessp "012AAAA789" "01aaab6" :start1 3 :end1 7
                                      :start2 2 :end2 6) =>  6
 (string-not-equal "AAAA" "aaaA") =>  false

See Also::

@xref{char=; char/=; char<; char>; char<=; char>=; char-equal; char-not-equal; char-lessp; char-greaterp; char-not-greaterp; char-not-lessp}


equal calls string= if applied to two strings.

stringp [Function]

stringp object => generalized-boolean

Arguments and Values::

object---an object.

generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.


Returns true if object is of type string; otherwise, returns false.


 (stringp "aaaaaa") =>  true
 (stringp #\a) =>  false

See Also::

section typep [Function] , string (type)


 (stringp object) == (typep object 'string)

make-string [Function]

make-string size {&key initial-element element-type} => string

Arguments and Values::

size---a valid array dimension.

initial-element---a character.

The default is implementation-dependent.

element-type---a type specifier. The default is character.

string---a simple string.


make-string returns a simple string of length size whose elements have been initialized to initial-element.

The element-type names the type of the elements of the string; a string is constructed of the most specialized type that can accommodate elements of the given type.


 (make-string 10 :initial-element #\5) =>  "5555555555"
 (length (make-string 10)) =>  10

Affected By::

The implementation.

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