Dynamical Aspects of Automata and Semigroup Theories

Vienna, Austria, November 25-26, 2010


Mikhail Berlinkov:  Approximating lengths of reset words

Véronique Bruyère:  Around Cobham's theorem and some of its extensions

Søren Eilers:   Flow invariants for irreducible sofic systems

Rune Johansen:   On the structure of covers of sofic shifts

Pavel Martyugin:    Synchronizing Words and Carefully Synchronizing Words

Dominique Perrin:    Syntactic invariants for sofic shifts

Pedro Silva:    Fixed points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems

Antonio Restivo:    Minimality conditions on automata

Avraham Trahtman:    The distribution of length of synchronizing words and upper bound on the length

Mikhail Volkov:    P(l)aying for synchronization