Diane Paulson, Mrs. - Ph.D.
Session 1 - Poster

Detection of Global Chromospheric Waves in Integrated Light

D. Paulson, W. Pesnell, D. Deming (NASA/GSFC) and T. Metcalfe (HAO NCAR)

P-mode oscillations have supplied us with a wealth of information regarding the interior solar density/temperature structure and magnetic field concentrations/flow. Global evanscent waves with ~5.5 mHz frequencies have been observed in the lower chromosphere. We present spectra of integrated sunlight which are analyzed for evidence of these latter phenomena. These data include high resolution spectra of the Ca II H & K lines from ground-based observations and medium resolution space based Mg II h & k spectra. We present our analysis of these data in relation to understanding the propagationof wave phenomenon beyond the photosphere.