Boris Ioshpa, Mr. - Doctor
Session 2 - Poster

Fractal Properties of Magnetic Fields of Active Regions and Sunspots

Chertoprud V., Ioshpa B., and Obridko V.

Some results of the study of spatial characteristics of solar magnetic fields are discussed. The analysis is based on the magnetic field data obtained with a new spectromagnetograph installed on the IZMIRAN Tower Telescope (FeI 6103 A), the data of the MSFC solar vector magnetograph (FeI 5250.2 A) and the data of longitudinal magnetic 96 m daily maps of SOHO/MDI magnetograph (NiI 6768 A) downloaded through Internet. Our attention was concerned on the fractal properties of sunspots; fractal properties of the space distribution of the magnetic fields along great distances comparable with the size of great active regions or active complexes; fractal properties of active and quiet magnetic regions as global entities. Some different methods of estimating of fractal properties were used.