
Articles and preprints

These may differ slightly from the published versions.


·       (with Nicolle González, Daoji Huang, Jacinta Torres) Effective  key maps and  orthogonal evacuation,

       DMUC preprint 24-47, November 2024, 12pp.


·       (with Nicolle González, Daoji Huang, Jacinta Torres) Keys and evacuation  via virtualization, 25pp



·       (with Alessandro Conflitti, Ricardo Mamede) A uniform action of the dihedral group  Z_2 x D_3  on         Littlewood--Richardson coefficients.  DMUC preprint 24-39 (61pp).


·       (with Thomas Gobet and Cédric Lecouvey)  Non symmetric Cauchy kernels, Demazure measures and LPP.

 (FPSAC 2024 poster) Extended abstract (12pp) Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91 38.B, 2024.


·       (with João Santos) Cocrystals of symplectic Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux, symplectic Willis like

direct way, virtual keys and applications,  arXiv. arXiv:2111.11160v3,  60pp, 2024,


·       (with Thomas Gobet and Cédric Lecouvey)  Non symmetric Cauchy kernel, crystals and last passage percolation,  Tunisian Journal of Mathematics, 6, 2, (2023);,


·       (with M. Tarighat Feller and J. Torres) Symplectic cacti, virtualization and Berenstein-Kirillov groups.,  70pp, 2022.


·       (with R. Mamede) A classification of monotone ribbons with full Schur support with application to the classification of full equivalence classes.  arXiv:1812.04705


·       I. Terada,  R.C. King, O. Azenhas,   The symmetry of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients: a new hive model involutory bijection,  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 2850-2899, 2018.


·       Skew RSK and coincidence of Littlewood-Richardson commutors.  arXiv:1808.06095 

             DMUC 17-46 (2017) Preprint.


·       (with R.C. King and I. Terada) The involutive nature of the Littlewood-Richardson commutativity bijection.      



·       (with Aram Emami) NW-SE  expansions of non-symmetric Cauchy kernels on  near staircases and  growth diagrams. arXiv:1412.0420


·       (with Aram Emami) Growth diagrams and non-symmetric Cauchy identities on NW (SE) near staircases. 
             (2014) in "Dynamics, Games and Science - International Conference and Advanced School Planet 
             Earth DGS II,"Editors: Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Rolf Jelstch, Alberto Adrego Pinto,   and   
             Marcelo Viana, (Springer Verlag, 2015). 

·       (with Aram Emami) An analogue of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence and non-symmetric Cauchy kernels for truncated staircases, European J. Combin. 46 (2015) 16–44;  arXiv:1310.0341


·       (with Aram Emami) Semi-skyline augmented fillings and non-symmetric Cauchy kernels for stair-type shapes FPSAC13, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AS 2013, 1011--1022.


·       (with Alessandro Conflitti, Ricardo Mamede), Números (coeficientes) de Littlewood-Richardson e simetrias (in Portuguese), Actas do Encontro Nacional da SPM, 2010,  Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.


·       (with Ricardo Mamede), Matrix Tableau-Pairs with Key and Shuffling Conditions,

             Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 57 (2010), B57f (2010), 38 pp.  


·       (with Alessandro Conflitti, Ricardo Mamede)  Multiplicity-free  skew Schur functions with  full interval support, in Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire,  75 (2019), Article B75j, 34pp; arXiv:1009.4170v3


·       (with Ricardo Mamede), Actions of the Symmetric Group Generated by Comparable Sets and Smith Invariants.  Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 59 (2010), Article B59g, 27pp.


·       (with Alessandro Conflitti, Ricardo Mamede), On an index two subgroup of puzzle and Littlewood-Richardson tableau $\mathbb Z_2\times \mathbb S_3$-symmetries. (Extended  abstract),

             Preprint DMUC 09-51, 2009.


·       (with Alessandro Conflitti, Ricardo Mamede), Linear time equivalent Littlewood-Richardson coefficient maps. DMCTS Proceedings (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings),

AK, 2009, 127-144.


·       A variation on tableau switching and a Pak-Vallejo's Conjecture. DMCTS Proceedings

      (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings), AJ, 2008, 529-542.


·       (with Ricardo Mamede) , Key polynomials, invariant factors and an action of the symmetric group on Young tableaux.  FPSAC 2007, Nankay University, Tianjin, China.


·        Schur functions, pairing of parentheses, jeu de taquin and invariant factors. Mathematical papers

             in honour of Eduardo Marques de Sá, 7-24, Textos Mat. Sér. B, 39 Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, 2006.


·       (with  Ricardo Mamede), Matrix realizations of pairs of Young tableaux, keys and shuffles. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 53 (2006), B53h, 22pp.


·       (with  Ricardo Mamede), Realizações matriciais de pares de tableaux de Young e palavras francas.

             (in Portuguese) Actas do Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses/2005,  Universidade do Minho,

             (2006), 19-37.


·       (with   Ricardo Mamede), Action of the symmetric group on sets of skew-tableaux with prescribed matrix realization. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 401 (2005), 221-275.


·       Littlewood-Richardson fillings and their symmetries. Matrices and group representations (Coimbra, 1998),  81-92, Textos Mat. Sér. B, 19, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, 1999.


·       (with  João Filipe Queiró, Eduardo Marques de Sá, Ana Paula Santana), Interlacing of eigenvalues and invariant factors. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 3 (2000) 149-154.


·       The admissible interval for the invariant factors of a product of matrices.

              Linear and Multilinear Algebra 46 (1999) 51-99.


·       Opposite Littlewood-Richardson sequences and their matrix realizations.

       Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 225 (1995) 91-116.


·       Littlewood-Richardson rule: Generalizations and matrix realizations (in Portuguese)

Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Portuguese Algebraists, Coimbra (1993).


·       (with Eduardo Marques de Sá), Matrix realizations of Littlewood-Richardson sequences.

            Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 27 (1990)  229 – 242.


·       A técnica de localização para desigualdades de entrelaçamento sobre um domínio de ideais principais.

(in Portuguese) Actas do VII Congressso do GMEL, vol. I Coimbra, (1985), 131-139.


·       Extensões de Módulos e Produtos de Matrizes. (in Portuguese) Actas das XI Jornadas  Hispano

Lusas de Matemáticas, vol II Badajoz, Espanha, (1986), 27-34.



Other papers


·        On an involution on the set of Littlewood-Richardson-tableaux and the hidden commutativity. Preprint 2005.


·       The hidden.commutativity of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Preprint 2000.





·       Realizações Matriciais de Quadros de Young e suas Formas Canónicas, Ph.D. Thesis,

Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra, 1991.


·       Técnicas de Localização para Factores Invariantes de Módulos e Matrizes, Master Thesis,

Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra, 1985.


Books (as co-editor)


·       Graciano de Oliveira, M. Antónia Duffner, Olga Azenhas (editors) Special Issue: Linear

Preserver Problems, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 48, No.4, 281- 408 (2001).


·       O. Azenhas,  A. L. Duarte,  J. F. Queiró,  A. P. Santana (editors), Mathematical papers

in honour of Eduardo Marques de Sá , 7-24, Textos Mat. Sér. B, 39 Univ. Coimbra,

Coimbra, 2006.


·        (co-editor) Special Issue: Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 2012.

Boletim  da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática






·       Summer School Interviews with Francesco Brenti,  Christian Krattenthaler and Vic Reiner:
     CIM   Bulletin 34, 2013

           Mathematical Cartoons 

1-   TopCom Volume 11, #1, 2006    

2-    To S.S.

3-   CIM bulletin 7 1999

4-   CIM bulletin 5 1998


            Another side


              1    2


         Some Photos


·       AEC Summer school 1

·       AEC Summer school 2